
Orientation Programme for legal and other skill enhancement of members of Internal Complaint’s Committee, HR Departmentand other concerned employees:

It is a practitioner-based workshop where knowledge will be imparted through real life case studies, videos, role plays, mock inquiry, group exercises and important judgements passed by domestic and international courts to equip the participants with abilities to effectively manage their policies and processes.

The contentsinclude:

  • Legal backdrop in which the Act was enacted
  • Understanding the scope of definition of Sexual Harassment at Workplace using court cases and sample scenarios.
  • Important provisions of the Act and Rules
  • How Complaints committee can distinguish between Quid Pro Quo harassment and Hostile Work Environment harassment
  • Knowledge on constitution of the committees and circumstances in which members will be removed.
  • Punishments as per the Act
  • Knowledge on mandatory compliances
  • How Employers’ liability can be mitigated
  • Grievance redressal:complaint handling, Informal and formal redressal methods

        • Mode and manner of complaint filing
        • How to deal with anonymous/verbal and withdrawn complaints
        • Informal redressal method: Conciliation- how and when to be exercised
  • Formal Method: Step by step inquiry process, interviewing skills,interim reliefs and report writing with recommendations
  • Key responsibilities of IC
  • Expectations from IC
  • Do’s and don’ts for IC
  • Sharing of best practices on how to diagnose and prevent potential sexual harassment issues before they occur
  • How IC can play a role in changing the culture of the organization and create a safe, respectful and a productive workplace

Also includes:

  1. Pre workshop questionnaire to evaluate participants current understanding of Sexual Harassment to customize the contents accordingly.
  2. Case Studies
  3. Impactful interactive exercises
  4. Post workshop material


  • The participants will become fully aware of mandatory obligations and consequences of non-compliance under the law
  • Participants will learn to effectively deal with Reported or Unreported incidents of Sexual Harassment
  • The members of Internal Complaints Committee will get knowledge on how to conduct inquiries and other important issues relating to the sexual harassment cases.Their skills will improve to handle any sexual harassment issue with greater confidence
  • They will learn to play a preventive role (as expected by law) rather than just a remedial one.
